Monday, July 26, 2010

Devastating Elevator Notice (令我崩潰的我看不懂的電梯公告又來了)

When I was ready to take a shower I realized there was no hot water. I asked KC to check if there's any notice in the elevator, and he came back with a piece of news that almost devastated me - there'd be no hot water from Monday to Friday due to pipe maintenance (I can't do cold showers as well as eat cold leftovers). The notice was posted on 23rd and today was 26th, which fairly explains that KC should have already noticed it. However, seems that he still only checks his face in the mirrors rather than paying attention to elevator notices. Similar thing happened last year and I already warned him to pay attention to whatever elevator notice, since I don't read those circles and lines myself and he promised. I was so pissed for such consequences that I tried to eat up all his cream bread, however, after only eating half loaf of it, I felt like puking =.=  (the whole loaf of bread has generous cream filling as the picture below shows, it's a common bread in Korea, KC's favorite.)

The Korea Challenge has an account that says after an expat resident complained to the building management that they should post important notices also in English, the apartment began to post notices in 3 languages, though neither the English nor Chinese contents look standard. Somehow I do not think KC's apartment will offer similar service in the near future since where we are living right now is a highly localized region (again, I do not mean that it has to have the notice in English. I hate the colonialism of language. At the same time I have to confess that, even in a Swedish university dorm, they don't always offer notices in English either).

今天我又動怒了,當我晨跑完滿身大汗,準備沖澡時,出來的卻只有冷水,而且很冷,殊不知我是無法接受吃冷飯跟洗冷水的;喊許小臉去看電梯公告,果然電梯裡貼著施工公告,狠狠寫著周一到周五整整五天都沒有熱水,然後我就在浴室裡崩潰大哭了(誰可以告訴我,到底什麼維修可以搞到5天! 韓國人不是都說自己很有效率的嗎!!!) 。類似事件去年發生過一次(那次只是一個晚上沒熱水而已),我看不懂那些圈圈線條組成的公告,負責傳達我無法理解的韓文訊息,就是他的責任跟義務,當時已跟他叮嚀電梯裡的公告要看,沒想到他還是進了電梯就只看鏡子不看公告(上圖即是許小臉很喜歡吃的奶油麵包,被我吃得只剩半屍。整條土司都夾著滿滿流油的鮮奶油,這款麵包在這裡很常見)。

The Korea Challenge寫過一篇文章,內容是說某大廈因外國人建議,電梯公告從此以後開始有中英文翻譯,這讓我很生羨慕,像許小臉住的這種本地人的公寓,要有雙語/三語公告的服務,等下個世紀吧(好吧,其實瑞典的學生宿舍也不一定有英文版本的公告啦,哈)。

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