Friday, July 2, 2010

What I Think About the DPRK Soccer Team in 2010 FIFA World Cup

I am very unhappy about those presumptions, sympathy or even ridicule for the DPRK team. Some wonders if the coach would "get executed when he returns to the Hermit Kingdom" or "disappear into the bowels of some labor camp where twigs and leaves count as dinner", which sounds all haughty and cold-blooded; some teases Jong Tae-Se's anthem tears because his "leader is the world’s best example of the Napoleon complex"; and some has made photos of Jong Tae-Se in miner's outfit, titled "Saving Miner Jong Tae-Se"(→), which I find everything but funny.

I am not a serious person, just in some occasions I don't feel entirely comfortable with senseless behaviors.

I know it is politically correct to criticize the Kim Jong-Il regime, but it's very very awful to joke about the plight of DPRK people.

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