Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Koreans, Welcome to Taiwan!

First of all, do Koreans recognize them?

Upon seeing this advertisement I can't help but wonder about their popularity in Korea. Apart from that, let me inquire something about this advertisement -
A : Why are you acting like a Kungfu fighter?
B : Would Korean know this is Taiwanese 빙수 (ice cream) since only a scoop of ice cream and some fruits are visible?
C : Is this misleading advertisement? As a Taiwanese I have never seen this much beef in beef noodles in any restaurant, as the essence of beef noodles is the soup, not the beef!
D : So what is this then? I kinda guess what it is, but it does not seem that representative of Taiwanese food.

看到這個廣告讓我不禁懷疑他們在韓國有知名度嗎? 除此之外,我對這個廣告有點意見 :
A : 你擺出"功夫"的樣子要幹嘛
B : 只看到一球冰淇淋和一些水果,韓國人會知道這個是剉冰嗎? 冰咧?
C : 小心被告廣告不實。我從沒看過牛肉擺那麼多的牛肉麵,畢竟牛肉麵的重點可是湯頭啊!
D : 這又是什麼? 我大概可以猜到它是佛跳牆,但是我不覺得它那麼有代表性。 而且韓國人根本不知道那是什麼,放它怎麼會吸引到韓國人呢? 不如放隻北京烤鴨比較有用(殊不知,韓國鼎泰豐都在賣些台灣鼎泰豐不會賣的東西了,這才叫做生意啊,中華民國交通部觀光局!)。


  1. But most people in China know SJ~~~ The name of "SJ" once reached No.1 in Tweeter's popular tweets ranking simply because of the huge Chinese population~~

  2. is it? guess it'd appeal to more koreans if SJ is endorsing TW tourism, instead of this "Fahrenheit" XD

    what's ad for? for catching eyes!
