Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Lower-Hip Exposing Virgin (露副臀的Virgin)

Source : CNEWS
Once again I felt disturbed by woman's image in Korea when I saw After School’s 3rd teaser picture for their first official album "Virgin"(버진). And I am to say, the K entertainment is definitely one of the biggest reasons to blame for Korea's never-improving sexism.

By showing your lower hips you are creating an image of "Virgin"?

While Korean male stars are obliged to showing their gigantic muscles (and god knows what else) as if boasting of their sexual potency, female stars are playing such correspondingly role to answer to the prevailing male dominancy.

In this country of wealth and high-tech, a fairer gender cognition is yet to establish, and the journey is uneasy.


韓國是一個標準的"偶像社會",人們有仿傚偶像(政客、運動員、演藝人員)的傾向,你會聽到人們說"買這個yogurt啦,金妍兒代言的!" "這個新的美妝品牌我沒用過耶,不過是卡拉代言的,應該不錯啦!"這類極不理智的決策。正因韓國公眾人物有如此大的影響力,當我看到韓國演藝圈將女性型像塑造得越來越令人髮指,我感到十分不舒服。

After School (애프터스쿨)用"露副臀"當做名為"Virgin"("버진")的專輯的宣傳照,此舉堪比日本AV寫真的文案,真不知是想滿足何等想像。當韓國男星極盡能事的展現胸肌雄風,韓國女星也總是稱職的扮演著迎合男性的挑逗角色,露個副臀,然後告訴你,"I am Virgin"。

Friday, April 22, 2011

IKEA Furnished Life in Lakeside

I moved from Bukit Batok to Lakeside this month. A comparison of both places? Pros and cons, as always. Some snapshots:

Living room and kitchen

My room 270° (Lacking the side of my desk)
 What I love most is its IKEA furnished environment. I miss Sweden.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

H&M - their new Android App and New Venture in SE Asia

I am checking the nearest H&M stores to me from their newly launched Android app (it's fab, download it now!). Right, 2578 km, in Central, HK. But haha, they are going to open in Singapore this Autumn, their first store in SE Asia!

  • News from the Local (Sweden's News in English)
  • News from H&M

Friday, April 1, 2011

惶恐之中感到的溫暖存在 - 推薦 이민헤어 的 민아 造型師

有時會想起一些八竿子打不著,回憶起來卻感到很暖的人。木洞現代百貨公司的MAC櫃姊최수연,總是面帶微笑的聽我用殘破韓語跟她對話;她不推銷,還會推薦我怎麼buy smart - 有次找她買38000won的眼部刷具222,她建議我買25000won的217就好,說用途其實差不多。2009年,是剛到韓國又不諳韓文的我最惶恐的日子,被人歧視被人騙是常有的事,僅管我是一個摸不著東西南北的外國人,她沒想騙我,還給了我美好的購物經驗。

再來是造型師민아,以前在木洞的 CASA Hair,現在轉到新林洞(신림동)的 Lee Min Hair (이민헤어)。


也許以後我可以寫個민아造型編年史。回顧一下2010年至今的變化:2010年初,她幫我弄了一個韓孝珠在燦爛的遺產裡面的髮型(下圖左上,燙完一個月後,有點長長了);夏天直接剪短也沒燙沒染,有點60年代中學生的樣子,很妙;秋天去新加坡前,燙了一個短髮(留了一個月後的樣子見圖2010 Winter),我覺得挺好看,但有些新加坡人覺得奇怪。品味果然不可勉強。



= Lee Min Hair 신림점 (Website) =
Name. 민아 선생님(雖然她年紀很輕,我們都稱她선생님啦~)
Address. 관악구 신림동 1638-16 3층 (2호선 신림역 3번출구방향 150미터)
Tel. 02-871-0022
Biz Hours. 평일 AM 10:00 - PM 11:00 일요일 및 공휴일 AM 10:00 - PM 9:00