Tuesday, January 31, 2012






李顯龍的演講鏗鏘有力,自信滿滿,使人信服,其背後卻代表著新加坡說不出口的永恆難題 - 一個戰後新興國家正在苦思如何凝聚全民共識。建國才短短46年,它無法用數千年的文明來洗腦國民我們文化源遠流長、做為一個多民族國家,他無法說我們某某族如何優秀。這是一個沒有資源,完全以經濟立國的島國,它之所以存在,之所以吸引外國人才,之所以生意興隆,就是因為錢。如果賺不到錢,人們不會來新加坡,它的國民會出走。說到底,凝聚新加坡的力量,就是錢。

因為新加坡沒有本錢消費民族主義,他們鮮有民族主義的論述;因為沒有民族主義,擔任公職一事便無法提高到"以國家興亡為己任,置個人死生於度外"的層次。他們只能用錢,好多好多的錢,來確保優秀人才願意從政。李顯龍的結論很簡單 : 沒錢,萬萬不能。原句如下:
"If you have the wrong system of pay, you will have the wrong team."

"Nobody will ever say, 'Sorry, the pay is too low', but we need to be honest with ourselves.For some of them, it must have been a consideration, especially the younger ones with young families and young children."
試問,除了新加坡,有哪個政府組閣時,敢這樣說? 大家都嘛是說為人民服務。可是"為人民服務"這種論述在沒有民族主義的新加坡無法被合理化。有時候,我覺得新加坡蠻可悲的,連治國的動機都和錢脫不開身。

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Our Humble Request (安居)

Before jetting off to Hong Kong, I bought National Geographic magazine to read away the 3.5 hour in flight journey. This issue has a special featured series about world's growing population (now exceeding 7 billion), and argues that urbanization is a desirable solution to the demographic challenges we are now facing.

It then introduces the world's top influential cities such as NYC, London, Paris, and Asian cities like Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, and Seoul. A special chart is provided to rate each city's key characteristics, for example, some are financial oriented and some cultural. Of which, Singapore is ranked strong in economy but weak in culture, not surprisingly. 

In describing how urbanization helps alleviate the pain of growing population, a special emphasis is placed on Seoul's urban development, and as I thought through it, it makes a reasonable choice, for Seoul is probably the only city in the world that rises from WW2's ashes to an affluent metropolitan harboring more than 10 million people - though we can name a number of cities who has transformed from poverty to prosperity, such as the other 3 Asian Tigers, but population-wise, none of them has managed it to the extent like Seoul - a city who has  subway systems, power and water supply that suffice its 10 million people, a city where half people own their apartments.

Yeondoo Jung's Evergreen Tower, 2011.
An art work of Yeondoo Jung is then provided - The Evergreen Tower. This photography work shows a portraits of 32 families residing in the Evergreen Tower. It says:

A Place Called Home
Seoul, South Korea
These apartments in the 25-story Evergreen Tower are identical, but each family adds humanizing touches to its 150-square-foot living room—from trophies and wedding pictures to a cross and a cuckoo clock. More than half of metropolitan Seoul's 24 million residents live in high-rises, deeming them safer, more energy efficient, and a better investment than single-family dwellings. (Source)

You know what. I have always thought of those identical city apartments as inhumane and chilly, but now I thought of it, it dawns on me that they are actually the most humane establishments of the baby boomer's generation, where they raise their family in a space, no matter how humble or simple, that shelters, warms, irrigates.