舉個p和wh各執一詞的例子。化妝品的 face(臉部) 分類裡有 foundation(底妝),MAC採用p音,把face翻做pace(페이스,"配屎"),foundation做poundation(파운데이션,"跑嗚dation"),Christian Dior也是如此使用;Bobbi Brown則是採用wh音,face便被翻做whace(훼이스,"穢屎"),foundation做whoudation(화운데이션,"謊嗚dation"),Estee Lauder也是如此使用。
As there's no f equivalent in Korean, while transliterating foreign words that contains f sounds, Koreans usually use p or wh instead. Therefore, fork becomes pork, fighting becomes whiting. Unsurprisingly, there are all kinds of confusions while transliterating foreign words, which make those foreign words look fairly awkward and funny. My personal suggestion is that, given such Korean fascination about importing foreign words, why not create an alphabet for "F" (also V, please)?
Literally reads "Ko-Li-Ah Tim Pai-Ting!" (="Korea Team, Fighting!")
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