The novelty of PAUL, the French bakery chain, has never worn off, since its first store opened in Korea, in Yeouido, Seoul's financial district. Besides its great taste and Korean people's greater affection for anything French, PAUL's core success is, by some, said to be their consistency - the same recipe, ingredients, and training for chefs and managers. By looking at the picture below, you know, their European style service is also consistent (here, don't get me wrong. I adore European service that never seems to attend to customers, better than the Korean style service that gives me too much attention...that's stressful!)!
PAUL去年在首爾開店後一直很夯,網路上的食記要多美有多美,很多女孩子也喜歡拉著男友在饒富異國風情的店內拍照,照的食物不多(反正食物不會動),多的是女孩子各種角度的巧笑倩兮。PAUL在韓國會紅不只因為它的美味,總之韓國人對和法國扯得上邊的東西都有莫名憧憬,在首爾街頭隨便走幾步路都可見到Paris (파리) 這個字。
What happened was, for every coffee that you order, you can get one free refill of black coffee. And my coffee was Vienna, as you know, it's got thick whipped cream on top of it, which inevitably makes the coffee flow with oil. And when I asked a French waitress for a refill, she elegantly and slowly, without changing my cup, poured new coffee into my already oily cup.