Sunday, November 28, 2010

What You See in Me?

I received my Singapore work visa last week, and this is how they identify my origin.

Whereas my Alien Registration Card in Korea, aka my ID in Korea, presents something a bit confusing.

Situation in Sweden is the same as Korea. As they do not offer anything like ID, this was what I had back then, a statement of my Personal Number. They identify Taiwan ROC as Republiken Kina (Taiwan). Kina is China in Swedish.
I do not have my Hong Kong ID with me now, however, nationality is not stated on the ID anyway(THUMBS UP HONG KONG!).

Soul Sister

For a period of time, this was the song that came to my ears when I stepped into MokDong Hyundai Department store. It just gives me the uplifting mood, and also it reminds me of numerous beautiful memories dining, shopping, and hanging out there with Casey.

Play it loud. You'll love it.

有段時間,這是我一踏進木洞現代百貨的Young Plaza會聽到的歌。當時許小臉用他的nexus one裡的一個application查出這首歌,是Train的Hey, Soul Sister。這首歌的歡快氣氛,伴隨著我們在現代百貨裡吃喝玩樂的美好回憶,以至於每回聽到,總會不自覺掛上一抹微笑。


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Place that Harbors Dream



Friday, November 19, 2010

Asian Destiny (我們的完美人生)


我想到許小臉也是這麼過來的,當年的他也是把六、七十萬考生踩在腳底下,這麼多年以後來看,不過也就是這麼回事。念了名校著實給他帶來無比的社會資本,但又如何? 他出了韓國,SKY的學歷還有人鳥嗎(科科,我們NTU的國際排名還比較高咧)? 這些東西不過能在韓國自high用而已,當你不想留在韓國自high,你終於驚覺原來這個教育體制浪費了自己那麼多年的青春。我是很恨NTU的,但我知道它浪費我的青春畢竟沒有許小臉的學校浪費他的青春來得嚴重,而且許小臉一學期的學費幾乎可抵我4年學費。
Matt Ridley在TED的一場演講"When Ideas Have Sex"裡,提到手斧和滑鼠的差別標示了人類文明的演進。同樣易於人類使用於手掌,手斧可由個人獨立製成,但世界上恐怕沒有人知道如何從無到有的製造出一個滑鼠。滑鼠公司的老闆知道怎麼經營公司,生產線的工人只知道如何組裝,他們都不知道怎麼去開挖製造滑鼠用的石油。他進而說明為什麼自己不太參與IQ的辯論,因為人類文明的演進並不取決於個人的聰明才智,而是取決於社會裡的個體們如何有效的交流意見、相互合作。我想這解答了為什麼亞洲可以孕育出一堆神童,卻不代表社會的進步、國家或產業的發展程度,可以超越歐美國家,而且神童們一般還得到歐美受教育,才能繼續發展。亞洲培養出的神童要到培養不出神童的國家才能有所發揮,這說明了"神童崇拜"其實是個很弔詭的概念

Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Haven't I Told You, Norway is Definitely NOT a Fashion Icon"

A Swedish hottie once told me how she thought about Oslo, Norway, after coming back from her business trip, "Pizza's damn expensive. Also, I can't believe they are still wearing crochet!!!"
曾有位瑞典正妹跟我說她出差到挪威奧斯陸的心得 : "Pizza真貴。還有,他們不知道是怎麼穿衣服的,竟然會土到穿針織衫!"

So when I came across this on a Taiwanese fashion magazine (introducing a collection by a Japanese girl brand iimk), a corner of my mouth curved up.

I know the Scandinavian countries are famous for their design. However, when it comes to fashion, Sweden is the only Nordic country famous for being fashionable nation-wide. Not Norway. And not even anywhere close to the Arctic Circle. Please, sister.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This November ( 家門風景 )

What I see when I go down the floor right now.

This is what I'd see when I open my door in Seoul now.

An island of only one season, time freezes, coz without calendar, there's no hint while time passes you by. Whereas in a place where cherry tree comes in full bloom in spring, pouring rain drenches you in summer, fallen leaves pave your walk in autumn, and winter snow calms your nerves, you've always got to sort out your apparel and moods, with the change of time, alert.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rightful Voyeurism (合法意淫)

Local guys appreciating
SNSD's dancing
Unanimously, electrical retailers island wide love to repeatedly play Girls' Generation's Oh! and Gee, and once in a while Goto Maki's Some Boys! Touch, on their LCD products. I strongly recommend that you click on the songs' links to view these MVs. I guess the stores understand that nothing can be more eye catching than young hotties in their shorts shortest ever shaking boobs and butts.

Hey you know Singapore is still Asia, nothing wrong about women being eyed by men. But there's still some discretion; at least they don't produce, they just consume. It's Korea that produces and performs. For those gender-sensitive readers, I know you get what I mean.

最近經過這裡的家電部門,一排排電視連續又重複播放的老是Girls' Generation的Oh!Gee,有時是後藤真希的Some Boys! Touch (拜託,這已經是4年多前的老歌了耶)。大概他們也知道,貝齒美目的少女們穿著短得不能再短的褲子扭腰擺臀,還有比這回頭率更高的嗎。新加坡畢竟是亞洲,女人給男人看,沒什麼不對。不過此間還是有點差別,新加坡只算個消費者,製造商可是韓國啊。對性別議題敏感的人,知道我什麼意思吧(眨)。

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Etude House in Singapore - Doomed to Go Back Home?

Etude House store in City Link, Singapore
Obviously, things Korean are considered of good quality and fashionable in Singapore. However, I don't see this fact a justifiable reasoning behind such overpricing of Korean products. A Etude House nail polish worth 3000 won, SGD$3.5, is priced at almost SGD$12. Not just that, products on sale in Singapore are even things already taken off the shelves in Korea. Now you guess where their inventory goes! Same situation applies to other brands like the Face Shop, and other locations, such as Taiwan.

Etude House just opened its first store in Singapore last year, which means consumers are yet to be familiar with this brand. Sooner or later they'll realize, for the similar price as The Body Shop's, Etude House products underperform to a great deal. And the worse thing is that, hey, they are buying Korean people's leftovers! When this day comes, Etude House is doomed to wave good-bye.

韓貨在新加坡是有種時尚且品質優良的形象,但也不代表可以賣比韓國售價高2~5倍、且早就下架的過季品給人家吧! 這樣搞的還有The Face Shop,賣的也是不知道韓國哪年的過季品。我在Etude House裡看到一款指甲油(而且已經油水分離了),和我半年前在首爾買的完全一樣,當時大清倉50% off,所以我以1500 won入手。它的原價是3000 won,大概才3.5新幣,在這裡卻賣到近12新幣,是當O.P.I. 賣嗎! 拜託,那指甲油慢乾、不易塗勻,50% off我都嫌貴。賣到12新幣,我只能說是良心事業啊!

Etude House去年才進入新加坡市場,消費者尚未有足夠時間去熟悉這個品牌,再過些時候,他們將會意識到,自己以和The Body Shop差不多的價錢買Etude House,卻只能享受充滿人工香料且表現遠差一截的產品。到時就算有哪位韓星代言,也無濟於事。話說回來,從頭到尾,我都不理解這些韓國品牌在國外的市場區隔在做什麼!