Etude House store in City Link, Singapore |
Obviously, things Korean are considered of good quality and fashionable in Singapore. However, I don't see this fact a justifiable reasoning behind such overpricing of Korean products. A Etude House nail polish worth 3000 won, SGD$3.5, is priced at almost SGD$12. Not just that, products on sale in Singapore are even things already taken off the shelves in Korea. Now you guess where their inventory goes! Same situation applies to other brands like the Face Shop, and other locations, such as Taiwan.
Etude House just opened its first store in Singapore last year, which means consumers are yet to be familiar with this brand. Sooner or later they'll realize, for the similar price as The Body Shop's, Etude House products underperform to a great deal. And the worse thing is that, hey, they are buying Korean people's leftovers! When this day comes, Etude House is doomed to wave good-bye.
韓貨在新加坡是有種時尚且品質優良的形象,但也不代表可以賣比韓國售價高2~5倍、且早就下架的過季品給人家吧! 這樣搞的還有The Face Shop,賣的也是不知道韓國哪年的過季品。我在Etude House裡看到一款指甲油(而且已經油水分離了),和我半年前在首爾買的完全一樣,當時大清倉50% off,所以我以1500 won入手。它的原價是3000 won,大概才3.5新幣,在這裡卻賣到近12新幣,是當O.P.I. 賣嗎! 拜託,那指甲油慢乾、不易塗勻,50% off我都嫌貴。賣到12新幣,我只能說是良心事業啊!
Etude House去年才進入新加坡市場,消費者尚未有足夠時間去熟悉這個品牌,再過些時候,他們將會意識到,自己以和The Body Shop差不多的價錢買Etude House,卻只能享受充滿人工香料且表現遠差一截的產品。到時就算有哪位韓星代言,也無濟於事。話說回來,從頭到尾,我都不理解這些韓國品牌在國外的市場區隔在做什麼!